Translations carrying the hand symbol have been created by human translators.
How to say in Czech:
You felt tired.
felt tired.
Cítil ses unavený.
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Cítila ses unavená.
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Cítil jste se unavený.
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Cítila jste se unavená.
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Cítili jste se unavení.
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Cítily jste se unavené.
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
said to a man you address informally
said to a woman you address informally
said to a man you address respectfully
said to a woman you address respectfully
said to a group containing at least one man
said to a group of women
I walked until my legs felt tired.
You feel tired.
You are too tired to walk.
I am tired.
You felt bad.
You felt nothing.
I felt like I was dead.
Are you feeling better?
Did you feel bad?
Do you feel bad?