Translations carrying the hand symbol have been created by human translators.
How to say in Czech:
What did you get for Christmas?
What did
get for Christmas?
Co jsi dostal k Vánocům?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Co jsi dostala k Vánocům?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Co jste dostal k Vánocům?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Co jste dostala k Vánocům?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Co jste dostali k Vánocům?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Co jste dostaly k Vánocům?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
said to a man you address informally
said to a woman you address informally
said to a man you address respectfully
said to a woman you address respectfully
said to a group containing at least one man
said to a group of women
What do you want for Christmas?
Do you have any plans for Christmas?
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Do you want to open your Christmas present?
We wish you a merry Christmas.
How was your Christmas?
I hate Christmas.
I love Christmas.
It’s almost Christmas.
It’s Christmas.