Translations carrying the hand symbol have been created by human translators.
How to say in Czech:
I saw it with my own eyes.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Viděl jsem to na vlastní oči.
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Viděla jsem to na vlastní oči.
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
said by a man
said by a woman
Do you like my eyes?
He likes my eyes.
I had blue eyes.
I have blue eyes.
I can’t see anything with my left eye.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
I did it at my own expense.
I figured it out all on my own.
I am not used to being on my own.
I am old enough to make my own decisions.