Translations carrying the hand symbol have been created by human translators.
How to say in Czech:
Did you came alone?
Did you came alone?
Přišel jsi sám?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Přišla jsi sama?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Přišel jste sám?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Přišla jste sama?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Přišli jste sami?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Přišly jste samy?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
said to a man you address informally
said to a woman you address informally
said to a man you address respectfully
said to a woman you address respectfully
said to a group containing at least one man
said to a group of women
You came alone.
Why do you want to be alone all the time?
You had to do everything alone.
I don’t want to go alone.
I don’t want to go there alone.
This is something I need to do alone.
Are you alone here?
Could I talk to you alone?
You are alone.
You are alone here.