Translations carrying the hand symbol have been created by human translators.
How to say in Czech:
Can you say it again?
Can you say it again?
Můžeš to říct ještě jednou?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
Můžete to říct ještě jednou?
This translation has been created by a human translator.
Why is this important?
said to a person you address informally
said to a person you address respectfully, or to several people
Don’t ever say this again.
Can we have the drinks menu again?
I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.
When will you see each other again?
You may never be able to walk again.
I will never do it again.
Don’t touch me again!
I hope we will meet again.
I swear to never go there again.
Remind me again later.